The respiratory complex in animals is a fragile ecosystem. Diet, stress, dust, viral and bacterial pressures are all causes that can upset this balance.
Coughing, nasal discharge, hyperventilation and hyperthermia are warning signs of respiratory disorders.
SodiRespi is enriched with plant extracts (eucalyptus, pine, coltsfoot...) and essential oils (thyme, rosemary, tea tree, mint...), and helps animals to breathe more easily.
Its formula is also enriched with minerals and trace elements to prevent major deficiencies.
Mr. Pomport, Deputy Director of the AgroParisTech experimental farm
What are the consequences of poor respiratory risk management?
The direct consequences are diverse, with clinical signs such as coughing, sneezing, flank flapping and hyperthermia leading to curative treatment. In the most serious cases, respiratory problems can be a major cause of fattening mortality.
Less perceptible in the short term to the farmer, decreases in zootechnical performance can be more or less significant, with degraded growth and feed conversion rates...
What did the SodiRespi test at the Agro Paristech farm in Grignon involve?
We tested the block on 160 ewe lambs divided into 2 batches, compared with a control block over the period November 2020 to April 2021. The test was carried out in a building during a high-risk period, with a high animal density and an ammonia level averaging 14 ppm over 4 points, including 1 point at 25 ppm (ACURO method, dated 02/02/2021).
We monitored weight gain, feed consumption, feed intake index and observed the number and frequency of coughs, shortness of breath, nasal discharge, etc.
What results were obtained?
Numerically, we were able to observe a weight gain* in lambs over the period from November to April on the batch that consumed the SodiRespi block compared with the control block.
(*GMQ over a period of 46 days for all ewe lambs)
We also observed a slightly lower frequency of coughing, shortness of breath and nasal discharge in the batch fed the SodiRespi block than in the control batch.
What do you think are the advantages of such a product?
In high-risk periods, SodiRespi contributes to the respiratory comfort of animals, thanks to its minerals, trace elements and plant extracts.
Used as a preventive measure, it can, in certain cases, limit the use of pharmaceutical products.
This type of product also brings flexibility to the breeder, thanks to its ease of use and self-service availability.
What does such a product bring to the market?
The product's main advantage is its ease of use, since it combines the necessary mineral/trace element supplements and plant extracts in 1 product, which reduces the workload for the breeder. What's more, there's no waiting period for milk and meat.